Thursday, May 7, 2015

Another "Society Silk" Rose!

If you follow my blog you know I am obsessed by quilting vintage linens. My favorite being "silk society" embroideries. This particular piece was very old and fragile, most likely late 1800's or early 1900's.

I used two layers of batting and began by outlining around the original embroidery.

The initial stitching is a bit overwhelming with two batting layers! I almost regretted the layers, that puff is scary as a quilter!! Once I started quilting it calmed down and became something spectacular very quickly.

The final piece is stunning if I do say so myself! I quilted to the outer edge and plan to cut away the backing, mat and frame. One more piece of gorgeous handwork, salvaged!!


  1. Wow! You transformed that beautifully. I have never seen anyone do that with vintage linens. I agree it is stunning!

  2. Beautiful, your quilting makes a lovely embroidery just breathtaking!

  3. That poof would have scared me too! Your end results are lovely, I'm glad you didn't let the thickness deter you.

  4. Magnificent! I have only seen such things in museums.
    Your talent is amazing.
